Our Mission
Pink Heals Lehigh Valley is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization whose mission is to support people in our community who are affected by any health issue by supporting local fund-raising efforts and by providing love and hope through home visits.
Pink Heals Lehigh Valley is committed to supporting local families as they deal with a family member that is suffering from cancer or some other catastrophic disease. Our pledge is to raise awareness and to support families. Each year since 2018, we have dedicated the proceeds from fundraisers to be given back to the community. During 2020, while COVID-19 was changing our World, our organization turned over $17,000 back to families in the Greater Lehigh Valley and the surrounding area.The pandemic has changed life for all of us. Some charities couldn't survive financially with the restrictions that were placed on them. Pink Heals Lehigh Valley is proud to say that we have made it through and are eagerly waiting for events and appearances to start up again. We are ready to "get back to normal", although that may take some time. One thing is for sure... even though many charities stopped functioning, cancer never takes a day off. As events and opportunities come around, we are ready to get back to work raising awareness and prepare to donate financial support back to the communities where those finances come from.
Applications for the grant are not being accepted at this time. Availability is always posted here and on our Facebook page, Pink Heals Lehigh Valley. Please check back often to check for announcements.